Just Joshin' (Issue #9 - Parties, Coconut Water, DALL-E)

1 2 Family Photos:



We went to Calvin's friend Regis' 4th birthday party on Sunday. Children's birthday parties are a big deal in Brazil. The party was at a catered event space. There was a play area and a ball pit and a DJ with lights and a projector and a fog machine. Calvin and Regis had a lot of fun dancing, and Lawrence enjoyed the ball pit.

Calvin turns 3 next month. We're planning to have his birthday at the same event space. Luana is in charge of all the important party decisions. I don't know if we will hire the same DJ.


1 Dad Joke:

Coconut water is basically a Brazilian juicebox. It's sweet, has some healthy nutrients like potassium (not medical advice), is sold in little 200ml cardboard boxes, and Calvin thinks it's delicious. Also, for better or worse, Calvin is getting good at advocating for his own wants and needs.

An exchange we had earlier this week:



I don't follow tennis or golf, but the two classic pieces below are excellent writing. They make me care about the respective sports. Wimbledon this week - it will be the first Wimbledon without Roger Federer in 23 years.

​Roger Federer as Religious Experience by David Foster Wallace (2006)​

Whether anything like a nascent Federer was here among these juniors can’t be known, of course. Genius is not replicable. Inspiration, though, is contagious, and multiform — and even just to see, close up, power and aggression made vulnerable to beauty is to feel inspired and (in a fleeting, mortal way) reconciled.

​Inside the Cultish Dreamworld of Augusta National by Nick Paumgarten (2019)​

This isn’t a golf tournament. It’s a cultural event where the Southern United States has its chest stuck out and is saying come down and visit.’ It’s been a hundred and fifty-five years since the Civil War, and yet we want to let people know we’re a strong people, a hardworking people, a proud people.


​Craiyon - AI model drawing images from any prompt!​

Is this the future of art? I don't know, but it is an interesting tool. Type whatever you want, and in a few minutes, the computer model will spin up a version of it for you. Craiyon is a free mini-version of DALL-E - give it a try! Here is the DALLE-2 site. Here is a good thread and video on DALL-E. There's a special skill to thinking up things that would be interesting for a computer to draw.

Below are images I tried to make representing the articles above.




Until next week, and for many more!

Josh Knox

Hi! I am Josh Knox. Read more of me here: 👇

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